About the Guild

We are on Facebook now. Visit us at Greater Milwaukee Knitting Guild. The Greater Milwaukee Knitting Guild is open to anyone interested in knitting at any level. Our mission is to promote interest, appreciation, and skill in knitting. The Meetings are always the second Tuesday of every month except January and August. Social Hour begins at 6:15 pm. Our “Knitting Doctors” are also available at that time for advice and consultation on your knitting problems. The meeting begins at 7:oo pm followed by the Monthly Program. email us at gmkg@prodigy.net

Thursday, September 8, 2011

GMKG Newsletter September 2011

September 2011

The next meeting is Tuesday, September 13th in the dining room of Berstrom Hall, Mount Mary
College. Social hour begins at 6:15pm and our “knitting doctors” are available at that time for advice and consultation on any knitting projects. The meeting itself starts at 7:00pm followed by the monthly program.


Karen L welcomed everyone and called to order the August meeting of the Greater Milwaukee Knitting Guild at 7:00 p.m.

Old Business:

Karen L announced the winners of the guild sponsored awards from the state fair this week and noted that they will all be invited to the September meeting to receive their checks.

Mary K, membership chairperson, requested that members please submit their surveys to her as soon as possible. In general, she feels that she is getting some good feedback. Of note in the surveys already submitted, several members have indicated that they do not want to meet during the summer months.

New Business:

Mary GF announced that Lorraine Laabs, a charter member of the guide, passed away in July. Also, Joyce Williams, a well-known knitter and author of the book, Latvian Dreams, passed away last Thursday.

Several members commented on the positive experiences they had while knitting in the sheep barn at the state fair.

Darlene H announced that, in conjunction with the Wisconsin Sheep and Wool Festival in Jefferson on September 9-11, 2011, they are looking for someone from our guild to help judge the knitting for the Make it Yourself With Wool contest. Anyone interested can contact Darlene for further information. She also stated that our speaker for the September 13th meeting will be Elizabeth O’Brien from Chicago, IL. Her topic will be “Knit to Fit”.

Crystel Mmade a motion to adjourn the meeting, Mary GF seconded the motion, and the meeting was adjourned at 7:15 pm.

Following the meeting the program was presented by Liz Sutter from Sutter’s Gold’n Fleece in St. Germain, WI. She presented us with a demonstration and spoke about opportunities to use 2 needle points cast-ons to start our knitting.

Respectfully submitted,

Klaudia H, Secretary

September Program:
Elizabeth O'Brien is our guest speaker in September. She will present a program on "Knitting to fit". It will cover: How to select the proper size pattern for your sweater; How to tell what size it really is; and how to alter the pattern.

Also, we have homework!!!! Part of Elizabeth's presentation will be how to lengthen and shorten a sweater after it has been knit. So....with worsted weight yarn, cast on 30 stitches. K1P1 for 2". With another color yarn, switch to Knit 1 row, Purl 1 row. Work for 3". Bind off. Bring the swatch, needles,
scissors and the main color used to knit it.

General Info:
A local yarn store is closing. Loop Yarn Shop has decided to close after 7 years of delighting knitters in Milwaukee. Caitlin and Patricia are selling everything and the sale starts September 9th at 10am. The sale will continue daily until everything is sold, so be sure and get out there!

It’s that time of year again, time to renew your guild membership. Mary K has asked that you fill out this form and return it to her





City_______________________________ State______ Zip____________

Phone ___________________________ Additional Number_______________

Receive Newsletter via: Email_____ U.S. Mail_____ (provide addressed envelopes)

Regular Membership ($25.00) ____ Junior Membership ($5.00) _____

Birthday Month_____ Day______ Payment: Check ________ Cash_________


How many years have you been knitting? _____ Are you a new member? _____

How did you find out about our guild?________________________________

If renewing, how long have you been a member?______ If you are a new member, please tell us something about yourself for the newsletter__________________________



Please indicate if you have an interest in participating in any of the following:

_____Charity ____Membership ___Programs____ Newsletter/Publicity/ Website

Would you be willing to serve as an officer _____

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