About the Guild

We are on Facebook now. Visit us at Greater Milwaukee Knitting Guild. The Greater Milwaukee Knitting Guild is open to anyone interested in knitting at any level. Our mission is to promote interest, appreciation, and skill in knitting. The Meetings are always the second Tuesday of every month except January and August. Social Hour begins at 6:15 pm. Our “Knitting Doctors” are also available at that time for advice and consultation on your knitting problems. The meeting begins at 7:oo pm followed by the Monthly Program. email us at gmkg@prodigy.net

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Yarn Tasting at April 11 Meeting

You’ve probably heard of a wine tasting, but what about a yarn tasting?  Annalise from Wool and Cotton Co. will be joining us and bringing a variety of yarns for us to try! You will want to bring a variety of needle sizes so you can sample all the yarny goodness, I suggest you bring at least sizes 4, 6, 7, and 8 because we don’t know yet what she will be bringing - that’s part of the fun! Annalise will also have a shop set up just in case you just have to have one (or more!) of the yarns we try.

Hidden Valley Farm & Woolen Mill

I was so overcome at the sight of this really wonderful yarn that I forgot to include the owners of Hidden Valley Farm, Paul J. and Carol Wagner, in a photo.  This is going to sound boring but it wasn't.  Their program gave us the nitty gritty of running a sheep farm.  I loved it.  From the feeding dilemma caused by multiple births to one ewe to the talk of predators- the only sheep they have lost was to a neighbors dog, not to the coyotes in the area.  The yarn they brought was exceptional and one of our members bought a fleece.  Take a trip out to the farm this year.

If you missed the meeting you can find them at http://www.hiddenvalleyfarmwoolenmill.com/  and